Joni Madere offers holistic health sessions with great reverence for deep nature.

Drawing on the infinite breath, layered with intuition cultivated by both movement and sitting still, her sessions allow for reconnection with the self. Navigating this commitment to self improves the way we experience all of our relationships and all of life. Considering body, mind and beyond, this holistic approach to our human design empowers us to discover our true potential.


Producing content for clients in the past became a creative outlet within Joni’s holistic health practice that she eagerly embraced. Enjoying the share of information and experience to help others evolve into whole health is an art that lights her up. Living in the beauty of Jackson Hole, Oregon, and California have provided immense inspiration in weaving lives well lived into words and visuals, telling stories that matter.


Sharing the ability to heal ourselves, derived from personal experience is what initially took Joni into holistic health. Working with fellow entrepreneurs, athletes, creatives, and groups from Merrill Lynch and The American Heart Association moved her health coaching practice from primarily interpreting the physical and mental realms into the psychological realm. Clients highly dedicated to their crafts who are willing to go deep equally stoke her fire in guiding them to holistic health.


After practicing for a decade, moving to Venice, CA in 2008 inspired Joni to dive further into her daily yoga practice. Life in Los Angeles, fortunately, found her surrounded by an array of internationally recognized yoga teachers offering incredible depth and wisdom each and every day. Teaching yoga became her natural first step into the professional world of holistic health.


Joni waltzed into my life as if on queue. During the isolation of the pandemic, I committed to focusing on changing aspects of my life that seriously needed changing. I decided to step outside of the box and try yoga. After practicing online for several months, I recognized that while I was seeing noticeable benefits from my attempts at yoga, I was not completely convinced that I was doing the poses correctly.

In true Joni fashion, she embraced the idea of supporting an out-of-shape retiree on a new journey. Joni’s expertise and focus on safety compounded by her warmth and humor truly helped ease me into the mystical world of yoga. I‘ve learned a lot, yet just scratching the surface. If you're looking for a guide to improve your overall health and wellbeing, I highly recommend Joni Madere - I can’t imagine anyone better for the task!

- A.R., Retired Geological Oceanographer

Joni took on a diverse group of 25 people across two organizations, Merrill Lynch and The American Heart Association. From executives down through all levels, she consulted on a wide spectrum of health issues and other conditions that the group presented. When the program started the participants respected Joni for her knowledge and her professionalism. As time moved forward she earned their trust with her commitment to knowing each person as the unique individual they are and tailoring her advice, counsel and approach to that person. They also liked Joni as a person. The humor and personality she brought to each session was always appreciated. 
As with any group, the participants experienced varying degrees of success in achieving the goals they set for themselves. That range of outcomes was directly related to their respective commitment to being coachable: listening and being open to unfamiliar territories, then implementing and sustaining the advice and recommendations they were given. The one true constant throughout the six months was Joni. She was a consummate, committed professional from start to finish. And that consistency and commitment was appreciated by all who participated. 
Would I recommend Joni and her work again? The answer is a resounding "YES!" Whether that's for an individual, a small group such as ours, or an entire company. I encourage you take advantage of her services.

- Robert Blommel, First VP, Merrill Lynch

Praises for the encouragement, education, your vast resources and support in improving my overall health and wellbeing. I have felt much more confident in trying new things that I may not have tried without you! Tests have proven positive changes in health, I have leaned much further into my meditation practice, and even DECREASED MY DEBT! Thank you so much for providing an enjoyable friend, encourager, and coach.  I would recommend Joni to anyone looking to improve themselves and their lives. - B.R.

I appreciate having Joni’s wellness knowledge to complement my voice in creating and curating content within my media and marketing campaigns. Her background in yoga and holistic health coaching adds exceptional value. Her experienced eye in content curation, writing, photography, and strategy has positive impact. As I step further into these territories, her commitment to efficiency and consistency will continue to prove its worth.

- Mia Togo, Yoga Teacher, Teacher Trainer & Mentor + Life Coach, Los Angeles/London