Joni Madere offers holistic health sessions with great reverence for deep nature.
Drawing on the infinite breath, layered with intuition cultivated by both movement and sitting still, her sessions allow for reconnection with the self. Navigating this commitment to self improves the way we experience all of our relationships and all of life. Considering body, mind and beyond, this holistic approach to our human design empowers us to discover our true potential.
Producing content for clients in the past became a creative outlet within Joni’s holistic health practice that she eagerly embraced. Enjoying the share of information and experience to help others evolve into whole health is an art that lights her up. Living in the beauty of Jackson Hole, Oregon, and California have provided immense inspiration in weaving lives well lived into words and visuals, telling stories that matter.
Sharing the ability to heal ourselves, derived from personal experience is what initially took Joni into holistic health. Working with fellow entrepreneurs, athletes, creatives, and groups from Merrill Lynch and The American Heart Association moved her health coaching practice from primarily interpreting the physical and mental realms into the psychological realm. Clients highly dedicated to their crafts who are willing to go deep equally stoke her fire in guiding them to holistic health.
After practicing for a decade, moving to Venice, CA in 2008 inspired Joni to dive further into her daily yoga practice. Life in Los Angeles, fortunately, found her surrounded by an array of internationally recognized yoga teachers offering incredible depth and wisdom each and every day. Teaching yoga became her natural first step into the professional world of holistic health.