Joni Madere

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Set Me Free

More and more people are “waking up”. 

What does this even mean?

People are realizing they don’t exactly feel free in their own lives. While this is our birthright, managing the realities of life in these hectic modern times makes freedom feels more elusive than ever.

What a racket.

We followed the rules.

But damn if we are still not quite where we want to be. Where we were told we would be by gaining a good education, obtaining a secure job, marrying, having children, serving our communities, along with other more traditional ways of being.

Today, we are simply living in a different era. In the 1900’s, we moved from the Industrial Age to the Information Age. Now we are moving into what is more of a multisensory age or holographic era.

There are many terms coming into fruition for this “age” depending on where you choose to search. But as a holistic health practitioner, we see plenty of people moving from holistic, referencing the whole, to experiences that appear to be multi-dimensional. Stemming from the Information Age, moving at the speed of light, we will see what the future holds. For now, with so much coming at us from every direction, there is no way humans are not evolving in order to cope, for better or for worse.

This might sound a little out there. But times are changing at an ever-increasing rate. We are all being encouraged to become a lot more open to possibility, new ways of thinking, and fast-paced change, yes? Larger government and corporate structures are not keeping pace for the people, so we must become fast and light in order to move with the times. Releasing attachments to essentially all forms of security and stability is becoming not only a way to survive, but also an avenue toward living in flow with whatever is happening around us. This is how we set ourselves free.

Simplified, we find freedom in two realms.


            • of this world, physical, material

            • homes, cars, financials, environments

            • anything we can touch and feel in everyday life


            • the endless chatter in our minds

            • to do lists, keeping up with the Jones’, judgments, projections, blaming, etc. of ourselves and others

            • thoughts that lead to feelings, beliefs and actions that do not serve personal/professional relations

In order to be set free, we must drop current identities in some ways to allow for the next chapter to unfold. Tapping into our truths allows us to begin.

Tapping into our individual truths, we figure out what we love. Maybe we thought we knew, but often we realize something new! We discover what works for us and only us – whether that is how to re-create a career or trust the process that is true and unique to a loved one. We learn what lights us up. We ask ourselves questions. We ask other people questions. With this self-awareness, we soon understand how to stay in our own lanes and trust that everyone around us is doing the best they can. We then learn how to better relate to others. Tool and techniques to drop out of our heads and into our hearts are key. Simplified, but this is the way to set ourselves free. 

Ask me how to start this process. 

This inner freedom translates to outer freedom and vice versa. When our minds are “right”, we better create the outer worlds we desire. This, in turn, lends to supporting our inner worlds and creating more freedom. 

We have all heard the adage, “if there is one thing that is constant it is change”. In this new multi-dimensional era, it is now fast-paced change. The cool thing about this is that when we are committed to making our own shifts, they can happen quickly, too.

Tapping into tools and techniques that we can apply to each day is one way to find and/or hang on to our freedom. Ironically, we must release identities, attachments, and control – a similar hanging on – to be set free. Truly a delicate balance.

There is no one way to do it. There is no right way to do it. There is no race or competition or deadline. Other than that it is becoming very clear that we are running out of time. Let’s set one another free.

In the words of the Ram Dass, “You wake up at the rate you wake up.” 

We start where we are. Let’s start today.