Action is the Answer


Still dreaming about what you want to do?

Still wallowing around in why it hasn’t magically transpired out of thin air?

Action is the Answer.

There are times when it all seems impossible.

I know. I’ve been there.

Stuck Stuck Stuck.

But this is YOUR one big life and no one can take it away from you - except you.

Sure, we all encounter obstacles along the way.

But let’s reframe it.

If you are living in a first world country and you own a laptop and/or and iPhone, you are light years ahead of most of the people on the planet. That’s a quick reframe

I am the first person to give you immense understanding and positively hold space for you. If you are self-made, self-sufficient, have been through copious amounts of loss, grief and life challenges, trust me, I relate. But anyway we look at it, eventually we must start where we are.

My first suggestion is to allow yourself, even if no one else will, to be where you are. Be with whatever is happening. Second, listen to no one around you. No one. Only you are having your current experience. No one can take that away from you. Go easy on yourself. Third… you know what’s coming,… start. Start small. Start now.

Finally. Find neutral support. An even-keel sounding board will take you from where you are to where YOU choose to be.

If this resonates, reach out today. That is an action!