conscious relationships

Summer Lovin' with Conscious Relationships


What does "conscious relationship" mean?

Relationships are a major component of holistic health because they are one part of all parts of an integrated, whole, healthy life. Friendship. Family. Acquaintances. Intimate. Business. Creating conscious awareness within all of our relationships is key to summer lovin’ and successful lovin’ throughout the year.

What might we be pretending not to know about our relationships? 

This is a considerable conversation. But at the most basic level, what are we ignoring? What are we shying away from? Will it make our relationships better to ignore what comes up? Or will it make our lives so much sweeter by taking the time to gain tools, techniques and tricks of the trade to navigate what arises?

When confrontation occurs, or another person triggers us, it is always an opportunity to step back, take a deep breath, take a good look at ourselves, and pause before responding. Take a few minutes to put ourselves in the other’s shoes considering their position as well as our own. Of course, this is often easier said than done. Especially in that moment when we become fired up before we even realize what is happening. But with a brand new toolset, it’s surprising how quickly we can transform and diffuse many of these moments. We can more easily move from highly reactive to open, spacious and rewarding. Within our most intimate relationships is where we will be most triggered. Contrary to popular belief, this is totally normal and an opportunity to learn.

One of the ways to gain perspective is to question:

Does the other person need to be right? 

Or do they want peace? 

Do I need to be right? 

Or do I prefer peace?

Is this a topic worthy of fuss and fight?

Good chance that will negate 50% of silly stuff that comes up.

On the other hand, there is the 50% that will need time and attention.

If it seems a friend always wants “his way”, how can we take a look at this within ourselves? If a client insists on billing top dollar within her own business, but is unwilling to pay top dollar for another’s work, is it wise to continue this relationship? If one’s expectations of what will be received in a relationship are different from what is given, how can we place ourselves within the other’s perspective and decide from their point of view if what’s occurring is fair, just, or if it even makes sense? Perhaps a few places to begin in becoming more conscious within our relationships.

Relationships are one of the most complex elements of life. 

It is important to be in them. It is equally important to spend time away from them. But within them is where we really get into the nitty gritty of our own shadows and truths. We can run, but without resolve, we will run right back into the same shadow around the next bend. We must cultivate being open and vulnerable within them. It’s imperative to realize when we shy away from them or are unable to make space from them and why. All of this may sound painfully obvious, but it’s funny how when we are “in it” it’s very hard to see our own blind spots. We all have ‘em. Taking even just small pockets of time to sit still for five minutes and take inventory could prevent an awful lot of drama. The amount of time and energy saved? Priceless.

A general rule of thumb is that it is safe to assume that both parties deeply desire a peaceful existence.

We can start by assuming that everyone is doing their best from exactly where they are today. This is only the beginning. Keeping this mindset in place is the gateway to more conscious ways of relating. It doesn’t mean we will get it right every time. It doesn’t mean we have to be nice and uplifting to every single human we encounter as there is no balance nor boundaries in that either. We might only get it right 50% of the time. And it’s all ok.

Blind spots. We all have ‘em. We can all take steps to build tool kits to evolve further into developing more conscious relationships. Talk to me if this speaks to you, too.

The Art of Attention


Awareness requires attention. Paying attention. With all of today’s distractions, attention is now truly an art.

Paying attention has become a lesser-held quality - a fading art. Without paying attention, we cannot cultivate consciousness. Without consciousness, there is no empathy. Without empathy, what kind of world would we be living in?

The art of attention includes listening, paying attention to others, and paying attention to oneself.


Taking time within each moment throughout the day to focus on how we are with ourselves is part of this art. These moments range from our tasks at hand to how we speak to ourselves, and how we communicate - or do not - with those around us. The way we speak to ourselves is a sure indicator of the way we speak to, and of, others. These acts of awareness illustrate whether we are capable of stepping out of our own shoes and into those of another. Without this capability, there is no empathy. There is no consciousness. And what a world this would make.

Listen. Listen deeply.

Even when we think we are listening to someone, we can usually drop in a little more. 

Listen. Listen to our thoughts.

Listen to our bodies. The body communicates with us in a way that the mind never will.

Stop talking. Listen. Like, really listen. Notice. Pay attention. 

We all have moments of needing to express ourselves - talking over others, not fully listening, needing to be the comedian, the star, the life of the party, or the Instaham. Even those who lean more introverted than extroverted, desire these moments of being seen and heard. It is truly a give and take.

The concern is today’s severe imbalance.

The smartphone alone greatly shortened our attention spans. 

Oh, this isn’t fun anymore.

Swipe right.

As holistic health professionals, we hold many tools and techniques that we share with clients to cultivate awareness in order to better themselves and their relations.  But our society's lack of attention span has intensified rather tremendously. When those closest to us are not slowing down enough to notice what’s going on around them, how can we show up in a better way?

How can we better meet each other where we are to truly connect in order to progress? Progression is where we find fulfillment. In this, there is nothing to lose and everything to gain. 

Let's discuss. I am passionate about saving this seemingly dying art of attention. No pun intended, I’m all ears.

“A wise man once said nothing.” ~Proverb