digital detox

Safe Tech


It's tough to keep up. There are a zillion health concerns in the world today. While we don't want to add stress to our lives by worrying about every little thing, this modern life is also growing and changing at an ever-increasing pace. We must wonder whether technology is safe.

The challenge of working a 40+++ hour work week, taking care of kids, eating well, exercising and getting outside daily, much less constantly combating potential health threats, can be overwhelming.

Holistic health coaches to the rescue.  Holistic health is about far more than nutrition and exercise. We pour over information and endlessly educate ourselves obsessively in order to assist you, your family, and your teams in not only keeping yourselves well, but also performing beyond what you ever imagined. The result for those motivated is progress in all realms of life, which ultimately leads to more happiness.

Some worries that have surfaced are due to one of our greatest advances - technology.  We love technology. It allows us to learn and connect and collaborate and support one another like never before. 

On the flip side, the cons come in various ways. Let’s acknowledge a few:

First, always being connected can affect us by not actually ever being connected in “real time”.  Speaking with people face-to-face is immensely important in certain circumstances. 

Second, disconnecting from our digital slaves allows the mind, which is inextricably connected to the body, to rest and reset.  It is absolutely necessary to allow the parasympathetic nervous system to reset by encouraging the rest and relaxation response. Getting outside, yoga, and meditation are a few ways to do so. Leave the electronics behind!

Social media, for example, can make you feel high, but can also make you feel low. Texts might make you feel like you always have to answer every little message right away. Both examples lead to unnecessary stress leading to a host of additional health issues.

Third, what we are more recently striving to combat are the increasing number of EMF’s, electromagnetic fields, that we come in contact with in this modern life.  You are exposed to 100 million times more EMFs than your grandparents were.  There is a growing chorus of doctors, researchers, and health & wellness professionals warning that EMF’s may be linked to a wide variety of risks ranging from sleeplessness to cancer. 

Holistic health coaches can offer information, ideas and support regarding how to manage technology and protect yourself, your family, and your company’s personnel. 

Become a warrior versus a worrier.  After all, less worry equals less stress – an ultimate benefit to your wellbeing.  Get outside. Leave your phone at home. Dare ya.